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Life Coaching is an empowering way to help clients achieve desired changes in thought and behavior. When combined with hypnosis, which includes the underlying beliefs behind the thoughts and behaviors, this modality becomes exponentially more effective. This modality, which I call Transformation Coaching, helps to put clients on the fast track to positive growth and change, while engaging the therapist in an exciting role as a counselor, educator, motivator and Coach. Working from a mind-body-spirit perspective, Transformation Coaching gives clients the information, tools and encouragement needed to achieve a more empowered way of being.
This three hour power packed workshop is designed to provide the tools to get you and your clients motivated to make the changes that will bring the whole self of mind, body & spirit into balance for lasting change. Focus will be given to eating with joy, maintaining healthy habits, staying present, giving what you most want to receive, and loving yourself into what you want and away from what you don’t want.
She will be using guided imagery, meditation, affirmations, tapping and more as we control what we can and transform the rest!
Presenter: Kym Maehl is a Counselor and Life Coach with 30 years of experience assisting clients with deep transformation. She’s an author and educator with advanced degrees and training in Holistic Ministries, Counseling and Educational Psychology, and breathwork.
The approaches taught in the webinars are the instructor’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.