The opinions expressed in this presentation are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
This will be an overview of an approach to preparing oneself/clients for surgery or a procedure, or even for living more comfortably with a chronic condition. Ideas for creation of suggestions/auto-suggestions that foster healing will be offered. The presenter’s own personal experience with surgery and recovery will be described and offered as an example of what such an approach may look like.
Attendees will learn that it is important to have a working knowledge of the condition/procedure in order to create the most effective and specifically directed suggestions, which will afford the greatest effect.
They will learn that one can be playful with the imaginal creation of “healing assistants”, which may even serve to improve the efficacy of these metaphorical aides.
Attendees will learn the benefit of, and an approach to, making all individuals concerned allies in the goal toward health and healing.
Gaye Gibson, RN, MS, PsyD has been a registered nurse since 1972 and a hypnotherapist since 1996. She is a 1996 graduate of Randal Churchill’s school, where she now teaches advanced hypnotherapy. She also sits on the ACHE Board of Directors.