Online videos are non-refundable
Cost: $45.00
Instant access
CE Hours: 2
Rental only – 30 days to view
1: Professional Approach
Does it work?
The FREE Call and why it’s good
The client – Go or no-go
What can be done
Online professional behavior
Does the client get a copy?
Client contract and prep
2: Safety
Online vs face to face
Maintaining Trance
Procedure for the online experience
Compliance confirmation during trance
Emotional abreaction risk
What if the connection gets lost
Lack of compliance/cooperation from the client
3: Equipment
Noob vs Geek
Minimum requirements
Recommended setup
My setup
4: Software & Providers
Livestream Studio
Martin is an ACHE approved school/instructor. Owner of The Hypno Academy based in Denmark, Europe and Las Vegas, NV. Received an ACHE Award for Outstanding Professional Presentation 2018. International celebrity performer with shows in more than 17 countries.
Even more that I expected. Thanks, Martin! ~Robert Ranger
LOVED every minute of your power charged …webinar- many VERY useful tips for going online- which I had been resisting but now feel excited. ~Maribel Reed
The information has been very helpful especially on how to work online with hypnotherapy. ~Donna Fisher-Jackson
Loved it! Great info! Thank you so much! I’m just getting started with my practice and this definitely boosted my confidence! ~Gwenn Morgan
The approaches taught in the webinars are the instructor’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.