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Pain can be acute, subacute, or chronic and knowing which technique to use or how best to approach a particular client can be confusing. However, by matching the pain stimulus to the specific area of the neuroanatomy that is being stimulated, we can easily map out a multitude of simple techniques that will allow you to handle any situation on the spot! I promise not to bore you with hard core science, but I will show you how having a basic knowledge of neuroanatomy will allow you to easily pick an effective approach regardless of the type of pain your client has.
As a medical doctor whose emphasis is on acute care medicine in the hospital setting, my patients run the gamut from postoperative pain to chronic discomfort.
I am excited to share with you the Homunculus Protocol, an algorithmic yet heuristic approach which I have used with thousands of patients over the years to achieve effective pain management.
Presenter: Bill Anapoell, MD, UCSD School of Medicine
The approaches taught in the webinars are the instructor’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.