Eve will explore the power of auto suggestion and how to teach our patients to use self-hypnosis to control pain, deal with stress, cope with anxiety, and overcome a lack of motivation/procrastination. She will tailor the workshop according to attendees’ needs. Bring your personal questions, client and/or practice questions. Eve will demonstrate how to utilize self-hypnosis in each situation.
Eve Demey is a Hypnotherapist with over twenty years of experience. She currently works in private practice at the Stress Management Center. She also teaches hypnosis to Depth Psychologists and Psychotherapists at the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. Eve combines her professional training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist with her skills as a Psychotherapist and a Massage Therapist. Thus, she is able to offer her clients a unique, multi-leveled, and personally tailored therapy that promotes effective mind-body healing.
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1.25 Hours