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What you believe about yourself creates your reality. How you feel about yourself dictates what you will achieve. Knowing how to transform yourself will free you from limitations. NLP legend, the late Steve Andreas created the most powerful NLP model when he modeled the self-concept. Your self-concept is the most powerful belief you have. It transcends space and time. No matter where you go and no matter how old you are, you take your sense of self with you. It is the generalization that comprises all your beliefs about yourself, most importantly, what you believe you are capable of. When you understand how you create your sense of self you can transform it. When you can transform your self-concept, there’s no limit to what you can become. I’m the only person Steve Andreas ever endorsed me to teach his Self-Concept Model.
Damon Cart is considered to be a natural talent by some of the best NLP trainers in the world. His passion is guiding people through transformation to achieve joy, fulfillment, passion and greater personal and career performance.
The approaches taught in the webinars are the instructor’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.