What is your story? When we think about networking, we usually picture ourselves at a job fair or happy hour. But what about when you’re standing in an elevator or in line at Starbucks? Of course, it isn’t quite as easy as turning to the person behind you in line and launching into your elevator pitch. Networking by traditional means can feel awkward enough, but when it comes to trying to network with people who aren’t close to expecting a networking overture, you need to approach carefully. Building your business is to brand yourself. Who you are, your specialty, and how to attract the right leads and clients depends upon what you convey. You will learn easy steps and specific tips on sharing your story, the art of networking, social media, and taking your business from business cards to branding yourself as the expert.
Liza Boubari, founder of HealWithin, Inc., is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Stress Management Consultant with a thriving hypnotherapy business in Glendale, CA. Liza has appeared on the cover of Business Life Magazine as one of the Women Achievers in 1995, and again in 2014. She was one of the prestigious award recipients of “Women of Courage” in 2010 by the City of Glendale’s Commission on the Status of Women. July 15, 2011—Liza was recognized as the Outstanding Small Businesswoman at the 12th Annual Women in Business Luncheon, making her one of 21 exceptional women whose professional skills and commitment to community have made them outstanding leaders and role models.
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2 Hours