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Become the Dream


Randal Churchill

3 Hour MP3 Audio Digital Download

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The opinions expressed in this presentation are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

Hypnotic Dreamwork™ is about the powerful synergies of Gestalt dreamwork and hypnotherapy, as demonstrated in Randal Churchill’s award-winning text, Become the Dream. Dreams are direct messages of the subconscious experience of oneself and the world. Avoiding analysis and interpretation, Gestalt modalities get to the essence of the existential meaning of the dream.
Various traditional Gestalt therapy methods are very effective in part because they tend to induce and deepen hypnosis. Gestalt dreamwork and hypnosis can complement each other for profound insights and breakthroughs. Workshop includes: the hypnotic techniques of Gestalt dreamwork; the powerful integration of additional hypnotic methods; how to get effective results with only a dream fragment; how to help your clients attain vivid dream recall. Includes a live Hypnotic Dreamwork™ demonstration.
• How to develop Gestalt dreamwork skills
• How the methods tend to induce and deepen a hypnotic state
• How to make Gestalt dreamwork much more powerful
• How to avoid common errors
• Why it is best to avoid combining dream analysis and interpretation with Hypnotic Dreamwork™
Randal Churchill is past President of the ACHE. He is founder of the Hypnotherapy Training Institute, one of the original licensed hypnotherapy schools (1978). He is author of the award-winning texts, Regression Hypnotherapy and Become the Dream, and the acclaimed Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy.