Renewal Form

Have you read the updated Code of Ethics?

Print Code of Ethics

ACHE is establishing a not-for-profit Legislative and Legal Defense Fund to fight legal battles that arise to maintain the free and open practice of hypnotherapy. A voluntary contribution of $10 helps support these legal encounters. 

Click here for updated CE requirements for lapsed certifications over six (6) years.

• U.S. Members $195 USD, $220 if certification has not been kept current.
• International Members $215 USD, $240 if certification has not been kept current.
• Voluntary contribution to Legal Defense Fund $10. To help fight legal battles that arise to maintain
the free and open practice of hypnotherapy
• One time additional $25 fee for an upgrade in Certification status (w/proof of 100 CE hours)
• Checks are made payable to ACHE, in US dollars only

December 31, 2024. A late fee of $25 applies to renewals postmarked after 2/15/25.

“Continuing education activities not directly related to the practice, techniques or methods of hypnosis may be accepted, on a case-by-case basis, when a direct relationship to specifics of your practice is demonstrated. For hours not clearly related to hypnosis, please provide a brief statement of explanation for your request”.

Click here if you need additional CE hours

Steps to renew online:

  • Complete the renewal form below (scroll down) and pay using PayPal or submit the form and then call our office with your credit card information: 619-280-7200
  • Read and check the boxes for the declaration
  • Email copies of your CE certificates or receipts for courses (completed within the past two years) CE proof is required.

Steps to renew by mail:

  • Download the Renewal Form (below)
  • Complete and mail the form to the address below
  • Include check made payable to ACHE
  • Include copies of your CE certificates or receipts for courses (completed within the past two years) CE proof is required.

Steps to renew with a lapse in certification:

  • Complete the renewal form (online or download below)
  • Include check (or call with credit card information) made payable to ACHE
  • Provide copies of your CE certificates or receipts for courses (completed within the past two years) CE proof is required.

Download and Print the Renewal Form

Mail to:
7183 Navajo Rd., Ste. E
San Diego, CA 92119, USA

Questions? Call 619-280-7200 or email: office@hypnotistexaminers,org

Online Renewal Form and Payment

Have you read the updated Code of Ethics?

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your certificate will be mailed to this address. We do not mail to MEXICO. INTERNATIONAL addresses must be verified before certificates are mailed.
If you have a website please enter it here.
Check here to update your information in our records
Current Membership Grade
Pick one. To qualify for the Coaching titles you must show proof of 100 hours of Life Coach training in addition to hypnotherapy training.
I am applying for an upgrade
Please add $25 to your renewal fee and send copies of your CE courses/conferences totaling 100 hours for the title of Clinical Hypnotherapist. For Master Hypnotic Coach send proof of 100 hours of life coach training.
MA, PhD must be in a related field from a university or other higher education body that is accredited by the Dept of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education in the US, or corresponding state body if the member is outside the US. A copy of your diploma is required, unless already provided.


ACHE registrants are required to engage in a minimum of 30 hours CE in each two-year registration period. ACHE seeks to encourage registrants to engage in diverse educational activities to keep their knowledge and skills updated and to continue their development as hypnotherapists and growing individuals. Suitable CE activities are listed below. Email copies of certificates or receipts for course fees and home study materials to

Continuing Education Requirements
Check one or more boxes. Copies of certificates or receipts are REQUIRED. Contact us with questions: “Continuing education activities not directly related to the practice, techniques or methods of hypnosis may be accepted, on a case-by-case basis, when a direct relationship to specifics of your practice is demonstrated. For hours not clearly related to hypnosis, please provide a brief statement of explanation for your request”.
Required Documents
Please indicate how you will send your proof of CE hours.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files.
Proof is REQUIRED for your CE hours. Email certificates or receipts for courses attended to Indicate the number of hours completed for each area, i.e. 1. 10 hours; 2. 7 hours; 7. 15 hours, etc. Limit 4 documents in pdf format.
If there are circumstances which have prevented you from fulfilling the requirements, please give the details in the box below. We accept waiver requests for health and/or financial reasons on a case by case basis.
Online Directory
I wish to list my hypnotherapy practice on the ACHE website. If yes, please complete the next section.
City: State: Zip: Street Address: Country: One of these must be provided to have your listing posted to the directory: Business phone: Hypnosis website: and/or email. Specialties (limited to 3); i.e. weight, smoking, childbirth
All 5 are required to complete your declaration.
I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature.
When you click on SUBMIT the form is automatically emailed to our office. PLEASE NOTE: If you renew in error or over pay, a $15 fee will be assessed to cover the additional paperwork involved in processing your refund. The late fee applies after 2/15/25. International renewals are $215.00 on time / $240.00 if late
Voluntary contribution
ACHE is establishing a not-for-profit Legislative and Legal Defense Fund to fight legal battles that arise to maintain the free and open practice of hypnotherapy. A voluntary contribution of $10 helps support these legal encounters. Click below to add your contribution.
For international payments, please select "PayPal" from the pull-down above.