Code of Ethics
American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
Code of Ethics
May 2021
Click the link below to print and sign the Code of Ethics. Upload with your Application for Certification.
Applications will not be considered without this form.
The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (“ACHE”) provides standards and guidance for the practice of hypnotherapy and regulates the professional conduct of its members in their practice. All certificants are required to comply with the ACHE Code of Ethics by signing the declaration below: As a Hypnotherapist holding a Certification from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, I commit myself to conduct my professional relationships in accordance with this Code of Ethics and subscribe to the following statements:
1. I regard as my primary professional obligation the welfare of my client, whether individual or group.
2. I will comply with the requirements of the law in the jurisdiction where I practice. I will not discriminate against any person, group, or class on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, or mental or physical ability.
3. I will offer services only within my scope of practice and the boundaries of competence, and the recognized knowledge and competences of the profession of hypnotherapy, including supervision and consultation, whether in person or remotely.
4. I will not claim to diagnose, prescribe treatment for, or treat any mental or physical illness unless I possess qualifications, certification and/or licensure additional to hypnotherapy certification, which legally entitles me to do so in the jurisdiction where I practice.
5. I will not use any licensed or restricted title or other professional designation to which I am not legally entitled in the jurisdiction where I
6. I will advise a client whose requirements are outside my boundaries of competence to seek an appropriate alternative service.
7. I will advise any client presenting symptoms of physical illness, including pain, to seek the advice of a medical practitioner if this has not already been obtained.
8. I will not guarantee cures for any condition or make misleading claims or statements as to the outcome of the services I offer, in any form of advertising, verbally, in print or digital promotions. I will be socially responsible and adhere to the rules of “truth-in-advertising” in the marketing statements I make. These will be legal, accurate and fair. I will avoid the use of superlatives, misleading information, and deceptive claims.
9. I will make clear to the client, prior to the provision of services, the terms, conditions, and charges for my services.
10. I will keep confidential any information obtained in the course of service within the legal limits of reporting requirements in the jurisdiction where I practice. I will disclose any such limits of confidentiality to my clients prior to providing services. I will ensure that the client’s anonymity and privacy is safeguarded in the publication of any clinical material.
11. I will do my best to ensure secure technology, and will disclose to clients in the event of a breach. I will discuss with clients, students and/or those I mentor my policies concerning the use of technology in the provision of professional services. I will obtain informed consent before making audio or video recordings or permitting observation of services to clients by a third party. When using technology to deliver services, I will ensure I have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide such services in a competent manner. This includes an understanding of the special communication challenges when using technology and the ability to implement strategies to address these challenges.
12. I will obtain the written consent of a parent or guardian before providing services to a minor.
13. I will not sexually harass any person, or attempt any physical contact of a sexual nature, or make sexual advances, solicitation, or requests for sexual favors in person, or by any other verbal, written, or electronic meansto any client, colleague, student or supervisee. I will not engage in intimate social contact with a client until a period of at least two years from the conclusion of therapeutic work with that client. If I am legally charged with sexual or other ethical misconduct I will notify the ACHE of the circumstances and will immediately inform the Council upon return of a verdict.
If I am the subject of an alleged ethics violation, I understand that an investigation may be conducted upon receipt of a written complaint signed and dated by the person alleging the wrong committed and be subject to the ACHE Disciplinary Procedures Policy. In the event of legal action against me, I agree to inform the ACHE immediately and will maintain timely communication until a verdict has been returned. In either instance, I understand that my Certification could be suspended or revoked if the complaint legal action is upheld. In any case, I agree to hold the ACHE harmless for necessary actions required to sustain the rules and regulations and to prevent unethical practices.
14. I will undertake continuing professional development and education in accordance with the current requirements of ACHE.
15. I accept responsibility to help protect the community against unethical practice by any individual engaged in providing hypnotherapy services e.g. by reporting professional misconduct to the proper bodies or authorities, including unethical conduct using technology.
16. I will treat with respect the findings, views and actions of professional colleagues and use appropriate channels to express my opinions on these matters. I will avoid unwarranted negative criticism of colleagues in verbal, written, and electronic communications with clients or with other professionals.
17. I will conduct myself in a manner consistent with upholding the good reputation of the profession of hypnotherapy.
18. I will distinguish clearly in public between my statements and actions as an individual and as a representative of an organization.
19. I will not engage in any dual or multiple relationships with students or clients that cause harm or exploitation. I understand I am responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries, and terms of contracts need to be made clear at the outset and maintained during any Dual Relationships. Dual relationships or Multiple Relationships refer to any situation where multiple roles exist between a therapist and a client. Examples of dual relationships are when the client is also a student, friend, family member, employee or business associate of the therapist.
20. I will take reasonable steps to ensure that documentation in electronic and/or paper records is accurate and reflects the services provided. I will transfer or dispose of clients’ records in a manner that protects clients’ confidentiality and is consistent with applicable laws governing records.
I understand that the maintenance of high ethical standards by ACHE is an important support to the professional standing of all Hypnotherapists. I agree to conduct my practice and all professional interactions in strict accordance with ACHE rules and regulations in effect now or in the future. By accepting my Certification, I consent to the authority and jurisdiction of ACHE to disseminate such rules and regulations, as it may from time to time deem necessary and to take such action, including legal, as it deems necessary to enforce them.
If I am charged with an alleged ethics violation, I understand that an investigation may be conducted upon receipt of a written complaint signed and dated by the person alleging the wrong committed and be subject to the ACHE Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures Policy. I understand that my Certification could be suspended for a specific period of time or revoked if the complaint is upheld. In any case, I agree to hold ACHE harmless for any actions it may take to guard against unethical practices or to enforce the rules and regulations.