
Requirements for Registration and Certification

A. Certified Hypnotherapist
Has completed at least two hundred (200) hours of instruction from an ACHE approved hypnotism school that is licensed by their State Board of Education. The Hypnotherapist must also pass the ACHE written and practical skills exam. Exceptions are considered on a non-discriminatory basis and may be granted by the Qualifying Board.

B. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Has fulfilled all of the requirements for Hypnotherapist and has completed a total of three hundred (300) hours instruction in hypnosis from a school approved by the appropriate state agency and by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

C. Certified Hypnotic Coach
Has completed at least two hundred (200) hours of instruction from school approved by the appropriate state agency and by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. The Hypnotic Coach must also pass the ACHE written and practical skills exam. Exceptions are considered on a non-discriminatory basis and may be granted by the Qualifying Board.

D. Certified Master Hypnotic Coach
Has fulfilled all of the requirements for Hypnotic Coach and has completed a total of three hundred (300) hours instruction in hypnosis and coaching from a school approved by the appropriate state agency and by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

Examination may be waived for hypnotherapists who submit evidence of three consecutive years of full-time professional practice. Only the Qualifying Board may grant any exception, on a non-discriminatory basis. If you have just graduated from a 200 hour non-ACHE program, you may be able to take the exam and be certified. Please contact the office for more information. 619-280-7200

Steps to apply for certification (from a non-ACHE school)

  • Complete the Application for Certification (print and mail or online)
  • Submit online or mail the form and documents to ACHE, 7183 Navajo Rd., Ste. E., San Diego, CA 92119
  • Print, read and sign the Code of Ethics (below)
  • Include payment $270.00 ($50 non-refundable; mail check with application or use PayPal)
  • Include copies of your certificates of completion for 200 hours of training from your school.
  • Submit proof of being in practice for three (3) consecutive years of full time professional practice OR
  • Schedule the ACHE exam.

Click here to download the application

ACHE is establishing a not-for-profit Legislative and Legal Defense Fund to fight legal battles that arise to maintain the free and open practice of hypnotherapy. A voluntary contribution of $10 helps support these legal encounters.

Important: include the Code of Ethics with your application and appropriate payment.

FEES: Voluntary contribution: $10. The initial fee for registration and certification for two years is $220 if you apply in January. For example, if you are certified in January of 2024 your certificate would expire December 31, 2026 giving you two full years. If, however, you are certified in June of 2024, your certificate would still expire December 31, 2026. We do not prorate fees.

If you are certified in October of 2024 your certificate would expire December 31, 2027, giving you 3 extra months of certification free.

The initial fee includes a one-time $25 application/examination fee and a $110 per year registration and certification fee for two consecutive years. There is a $25 one-time fee to upgrade/change Certification status.

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INTERNATIONAL addresses must be verified before certificates are mailed.
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MA, PhD must be in a related field from a university or other higher education body that is accredited by the Dept of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education in the US, or corresponding state body if the member is outside the US. A copy of your diploma is required.
Grade of membership applied for
Check one A. HYPNOTHERAPIST: Open to applicants who have completed a total of two hundred (200) hours of instruction in hypnosis/hypnotherapy from a school approved by the appropriate state agency and by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and have passed the ACHE examination. OR B. HYPNOTIC COACH - 100 hours hypnotherapy plus 100 hours of life coach training; C. CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPIST Open to applicants who have completed a total of three hundred (300) hours instruction in hypnosis/hypnotherapy from a school approved by the appropriate state agency and by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and have passed the ACHE examination. D. MASTER HYPNOTIC COACH - 100 hours training as a life coach plus 200 hours hypnotherapy training.


Applicants who wish to be considered for certification fully or partly on the basis of equivalent learning or experience, should fill in the form, and attach additional information OR provide a copy of your certificate from the ACHE approved school that you attended. If ACHE approved, skip the boxes below Name of School to ACHE Directory.

Which ACHE approved school did you attend?
If applicable. List with https://
Title of course/s completed
Beginning and completion dates of course

My school is NOT ACHE approved.

If your school was NOT ACHE approved, complete all sections below. There is an additional $50 non-refundable fee for graduates of all non-ACHE approved schools.
Beginning and completion dates of course
Total number of actual classroom hours
Total number of hours of interactive online instruction
Total number of supervised practice hours to date.
Other relevant training/education/experience
ACHE Directory
If approved, do you wish your details to be made available to the public by ACHE in a Directory? If yes, provide website link or and/or maximum of three specialties within your hypnotherapy practice. You can request a directory listing at a later date
City: State: Zip: Street Address: Country: One of these must be provided to have your listing posted to the directory: Business phone: Hypnosis website: and/or email. Specialties (limited to 3); i.e. weight, smoking, childbirth
Morals charge/Felony
Have you ever been convicted on a felony or morals charge? If yes, please provide details in the comments section below, including dates, location and court references in comments below.
I understand that this application for registration as a member will be accepted only on the condition that I meet the requirements set by the ACHE. All the information given in the application is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information given will be grounds for denial of this application. I agree to hold the ACHE free and harmless for denial of registration, should it occur, or for any future revocation of my registration, should the ACHE find that action appropriate as defined by the by-laws. I have read and signed the ACHE Code of Ethics and enclose this herewith. I have provided/enclose herewith payment of the appropriate fee.
Code of Ethics
I am submitting my signed Code of Ethics in the following manner Email to office@hypnotistexaminers.org
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Electronic signature
By checking the box above, I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature.
Student Membership Status
Student memberships are $25 and have either been paid by you or by your school. You must apply for certification within two years of student membership. If you qualify, use the lower rate of $195.
The initial fee for registration and certification for two years is $220*. This consists of a one-time $25 application/examination fee (non-refundable) and a $110per year registration and certification fee for two consecutive years. There is a $25 fee to upgrade your Certification status. You may also call our office with your credit card information after you submit the form. From a NON-ACHE school: additional non-refundable fee of $50 is required. PLEASE NOTE: If your application is not accepted, a $50 fee will be assessed to cover the additional paperwork involved in processing your refund. *If you are certified any time before October 1 of that year you will be due to renew December 31st of the following year.